What if your monthly subscriptions could do more? What if for less than 30 cents a day, you could break barriers, give access, and create change for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families?

Join the Catalyst Club by pledging $10 or more a month, and you will become a catalyst for change by breaking down the barriers people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families face every single day. With your monthly donation, you are giving someone access to quality mental health services, you are renovating homes to make them more accessible, and you are sharing important resources with parents who have no idea where to turn.

“I joined the club because I want to make sure everyone in my community is treated with respect and has the opportunities they deserve.” – Deena

As a Catalyst Club member, you will also receive our Impact Journal cataloging the change you are making, special swag to show your support, invitations to exclusive donor events, and special pricing for The Arc’s signature events.

Questions? Contact give@thearcccr.org.